Supercharge SSH

In this part we’ll go through IAP tunneling feature of GCP, OS Login and its key management, and some ideas of SSH setup that will make connecting to the cluster easier.

Set up BurrMill Infrastructure

This is the fourth part of the BurrMill 101 crash course. You will learn what is resource quota and how to request it, build all software, and create a base image with all necessary library and tool packages preinstalled, so that a new instance may be created in under a minute. There is still a lot to grok in a short time, but this knowledge will pay off sooner than you think. Still, we offer a few shortcuts of do-now-understand-later kind, if you would feel exhausted.

Rev up your GCP

This is the third post of five in the BurrMill 101 crash course series. This is a walkthrough, by the end of which you will have secured your account, created a project, built and packaged all software, created a bootable OS image, and requested a quota for your computation: everything nearly ready to hit the button and start churning your data at scale.

GCP Economic Geography 101

In this section we’ll go through the high-level structure of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), understand the relevant parts of its pricing model, and select the location for your BurrMill rig. This section is one of a few densely loaded with information which you need to absorb. The end goal of this is to select where in the world you are going to compute. Next, you can request the quota and complete your setup while waiting for a response.