BurrMill is out for beta-testing!

The first public release 0.5-beta1 is out on GitHub! Please start with the 7-post-long BurrMill 101 crash course, join the Q&A forum, and, most important, provide feedback. Both bug reports and feature requests are more than welcome!

Known issues in 0.5-beta1

  1. During initial project setup, both the deployment and the test of the registry service Cloud Function often fails. We are investigating. If this happens, first let bm-update-project run to completion, and then immediately run it again. The tool is entirely idempotent, and only fixes missing or broken parts of the project-wide infrastructure.
  2. A few utilities planned to focus on GS management (bm-storage), quota calculation and verification (bm-quota), and summarizing the state of the project and deployments (bm-where-am-i) do not yet exist. Temporarily use a simplistic bm-gsbuckets to list all buckets in the project; this thing will be superseded by bm-storage.
  3. A few non-essential subcommands are not yet implemented.
  4. No check is performed in advance for all required command-line tools. Cloud Shell has them all, but bm-* commands may fail on your own machine if they attempt to use a missing program. Python code depends on PyYAML and requests packages . Run y2j </dev/null to check the former, python3 -c 'import requests' for the latter.

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